Preparing Facilities for Re-Occupancy and the New Normal

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Aenean finibus ipsum ut augue tempor, eget scelerisque erat aliquam. Pellentesque tincidunt, justo at feugiat lobortis, nunc mi feugiat enim, non convallis lectus tortor non ligula. Nullam a aliquet neque. Mauris placerat, metus a placerat congue, orci nisi suscipit erat, id finibus turpis augue vel lacus.

  • In auctor, felis eu facilisis fringilla
  • augue velit rhoncus eros, et bibendum metus nibh eu ligula.
  • Vivamus ac volutpat erat.
  • Donec at ipsum vitae enim semper interdum a sed urna.
According to the survey by ABM and Kingsley Associates, less than 3% of ABM clients overall intend to keep their facilities closed or limit occupancy for at least 6 months, despite COVID-19. With the great majority of facilities being occupied, there is an urgent need for facility services that provide occupant safety and peace of mind.
Meet the Experts Before the Webinar
EnhancedClean Experts
Now Available Nationwide: Certified Disinfection with ABM’s EnhancedClean™
If you’re ready to bring certified disinfection processes into your facilities, we’re ready to help. Our EnhancedClean program was developed alongside independent experts in infectious disease and industrial hygiene. It is a comprehensive approach that goes beyond normal cleaning through rigorous health protocols for consistent cleaning and disinfecting by trained teams. This program was developed to reflect recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the U.K. National Health Service (NHS), and other government agencies.

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Join our webinar September 10, 2020 at 1:00 PM EST

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I - Mid Text

Aenean finibus ipsum ut augue tempor, eget scelerisque erat aliquam. Pellentesque tincidunt, justo at feugiat lobortis, nunc mi feugiat enim, non convallis lectus tortor non ligula. Nullam a aliquet neque. Mauris placerat, metus a placerat congue, orci nisi suscipit erat, id finibus turpis augue vel lacus.

  • In auctor, felis eu facilisis fringilla
  • augue velit rhoncus eros, et bibendum metus nibh eu ligula.
  • Vivamus ac volutpat erat.
  • Donec at ipsum vitae enim semper interdum a sed urna.

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